EducationUSA Fairs
EducationUSA with support of U.S. Embassy and U.S. State Department host two fairs each year: EducationUSA Fair and Alumni Fair.
EducationUSA Fair is an annual educational fair organized by EducationUSA with support of U.S. Embassy in Baku and U.S. State Department. U.S.University representatives are visiting Baku to recruit students from Azerbaijan. You can find the upcoming Education USA fair announcements here.
Alumni Fair organized by U.S. Embassy and American Councils/EducationUSA
You are welcome to participate in “Alumni Fair” to learn more about prestigious US Universities directly from the U.S. alumni and U.S. Embassy staff. Over 20 U.S. Universities will be represented by alumni. Information on education system, admission criteria, degree programs and financial aid opportunities will be provided to students at this fair.
Fair Date: TBD
Fair Time: TBD
Location: American Center
60, Rashid Beybudov str.
University of Languages, 2nd floor
Program Contact
E-mail: baku@educationusa.org
Tel./Fax: (+994 12) 436 75 29, 436 75 30